Children’s Ministry

Children are a welcomed and valued part of our church family at St Peter and St Paul’s.  We believe children are unconditionally loved and accepted by our Triune God.  They have been created by God to be in a loving relationship with Him through Jesus. This is good news!

We aim to create a space of belonging and trust where children grow in knowledge and love of God. We do this by hearing His word and engaging with His truth through interactive crafts, games, activities and discussion. We then respond to the bible stories and lessons through worship, singing, prayer and contemplation. Cultivating space to be with God is an important part of Jr Church.

In order to keep our children and team safe, our staff and volunteers are screened and trained by Plan to Protect.


Our Nursery and Jr Church program is for all children ages 0 - Grade 6.

Children begin worship (10:30 am) in the Sanctuary with their family then leave before the scripture reading after gathering at the front to receive a group blessing.  Children will then return to the service following the Peace in time for Communion. Parents and caregivers of nursery-aged children are to pick them up the nursery. Jr Church children up to Grade 2 will be brought up to the sanctuary and will meet their family at the side pew.  Children in Grade 3-6 will return and make their own way to their family.  We use the God’s Big Story Curriculum. 

Nursery Blessings (0-3 years)

Our volunteer staff are ready to welcome children 0-3 into our nursery located on the main floor across from our accessible washroom.  There is a time of free play followed by our circle time which includes songs, a bible story and craft or activity.

Jr Church (JK - Grade 6)

Our program takes place in the Parish hall and Lower lounge located in our basement. We gather altogether for a time of worship.  The group divides into three groups:

  • Chapel Lambs (JK-Grade 1)

  • Kingdom Kids (Grades 2-4)

  • Lions of Judah (Grades 5 & 6)

 A  nut-free snack is provided each week during our large group activities.


Room at the Table

Gathering together for food fun and fellowship is important. There is always Room at the Table for you. Throughout the year, we hold a Saturday evening event for our children and their families.  Our time together includes family focused games and activities, sharing a meal in a child-friendly space.


Tuesday mornings 9:30 - 11:30 am in the nursery.

Children ages 0-5 and their caregivers are welcome.

Our space is set up for both babies and older children. There is both a carpeted area and indoor play equipment including creative space for crafts and art. Our time together includes a circle time of stories, songs and rhymes.  It is a great time to connect with others. Tea and Coffee are provided. Caregivers are welcome to bring a nut-free snack.

At Home

We want to encourage and support families who desire to incorporate family devotional and teaching time in their home. Throughout the year we provide our families with activity packages to help do this.

A Jesus-centered children’s ministry is essential to the health of Christian families and our witness in the world today.

Christianity is historical faith. We strive to draw children into the story of God, to learn from Him and begin to understand how their own story fits into God’s bigger story. In response we are to love, encourage and support others as they learn how the Gospel story fits into God’s bigger story.

Giving children time to respond to the weekly Bible story is an important part of Jr Church.

Giving children time to respond to the weekly Bible story is an important part of Jr Church.

Our group recently made a diorama of the Battle of Jericho.  The children enjoyed this project especially knocking it down when the trumpet sounded.

St P&P’s Youth


SPP Youth exists to create space for young people to encounter Jesus and to be equipped for lifelong discipleship to Him. We do this with the goal that we will become who He made us to be and set the world on fire with His transforming love. At SPP Youth we support each other in our life of faith to become more fully ourselves in Jesus. We commit to seeing our neighbour as Jesus sees them, and to loving them with the love Jesus has for them.

We spend time getting to know each other, sharing what is happening in our lives, playing games, studying God’s Word and responding in worship and prayer. If your child is in grades 6-12, they are welcome to join us. The Junior (Grades 6-8) and Senior Youth Groups (Grades 9-12) meet Sunday nights, 6 PM - 8 PM during the school year.

All families need to have filled out a registration form for the 2024-25 school year before they attend youth group. We are excited to connect and continue to grow together. If you have any questions, pleaser contact Pastor Harman at or call the church office 613-235-1636.


  • Gal's Outing - TBD @ St Peter & St Paul's

  • Ice Fishing - Saturday, February 8 @ Petrie Island

  • ROOTED Retreat - February 21 @ Circle Square Ranch

  • Shrove Tuesday - March 4 @ St Peter & St Paul's

  • Spring Break: NO GROUP - March 9

  • Easter: NO GROUP - April 20

  • Easter Party - April 27 @ St Peter & St Paul's

  • Mother's Day: NO GROUP - May 11

  • Parish Retreat: NO GROUP - June 1

  • End of Year Party - June 29 @ St Peter & St Paul's


Women’s Ministry

St P&P's is blessed with a terrific group of women of various backgrounds and ages. When we are together, we often find we have a lot to learn from one another. One of the ways we share and fellowship is through Saturday morning potluck breakfasts that we have throughout the year. Our typical breakfast begins at 9:30 AM and includes time for food, fellowship, fun, and a speaker who may inspire, educate or challenge us -- or all three! We also have an annual retreat in the fall. Check out our events page to see any upcoming meet-ups. Want to learn more? Email Pastor Michelle or contact the church office.

Men’s Group

Once a month the men of the parish (18 years and older) meet at a local restaurant for an evening of teaching and hanging out together.  Check out our events page to see any upcoming meet-ups. We are in the process of creating smaller theme based groups, where men can grow in their shared Christian faith, together.

If you are interested please join our Facebook group or contact the church office.

Thursday Morning Online Bible Study

Please note that the Thursday study is currently paused and will resume on February 6.

Join us every Thursday morning at 10:45am for a time of study and growing in God's Word. This is one of longest running ministries at St Peter and St Paul's.

Participants meet together to discuss different books of the Bible, themes in scripture, and how God's Word informs our lives today.  Most weeks our study is lead by one of our senior staff clergy. Contact the church office to get connected.

Small Groups

Even though our church is downtown, St Peter and St Paul's is made up of people from all across the city of Ottawa. With this in mind, the congregation has small groups that meet at different times, at different places throughout the city for a meal, time for studying the Bible, and time to pray together.

If you are interested in joining a small group please contact the church office

Compassion Ministries

A Place to Go

Every Friday from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Romans 15:7

Every Friday we host a drop-in and meal ministry. We offer a good meal, a place to feel safe, and a place to belong in a Christian context. There are opportunities to play cards, read a book, and have a chat with friends. If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you.

Christmas Dinner

St Peter & Paul’s has been putting on a Christmas Day dinner for 50 years. Usually we serve approximately 300 people in three sittings and provide up to 100 meals as take-out for those who request it. The event is publicized around town and we have many people who come year after year, some who often don’t have other plans for Christmas day and want to be around others and enjoy a good meal.

Putting on this meal is made possible by an army of volunteers, about half who are members of this church with another half who have heard about the dinner and want to be involved. In total we have 200 people volunteering in one form or another.

If you haven’t been previously involved with this dinner, consider scheduling some time for it this year. There are many people for whom involvement with this dinner and its festive atmosphere is a highlight of their Christmas Day.