Parish Retreat

An all-ages retreat for the congregation of St Peter & St Paul’s will take place at Camp IAWAH (Godfrey, ON) from 6 PM Friday, May 31 to 1 PM Sunday, June 2. Even those who do not plan on spending the night at Camp IAWAH are invited to either stay at nearby accommodations or to simply join us during the day on Saturday, June 1. We look forward to being together to relax, play, and explore what it means to be human through the lens of Genesis chapters 1-3. The registration deadline is May 26.

There is also an opportunity to donate to a scholarship fund to offset the costs of those who are unable to afford the retreat registration fees. To contribute to the retreat scholarship fund, You can e-transfer funds ( and indicate “Retreat Scholarship Fund” or you can donate cash or a cheque made out to St Peter & St Paul’s Anglican with “Retreat Scholarship Fund” written on the envelope and on the memo line of the cheque.


Women’s Potluck Breakfast


‘Art and Soul’ Exhibition by Pat Coulombe